chapter 003 – page 027




… Does the show still do that? I haven’t seen pokemon in years :/

It’s 4 in the morning, let’s see YOU GUYS come up with something funny!
… Sorry :I
Any who, this is Saber. As we all know, Paul is off doing who knows what and I’m updating and commenting and all that.
Hope you guys enjoy, and… OH! Please, please, PLEASE don’t burn the website down, Ok?

… Paul will blame me if you do :c

Discussion (23) ¬

  1. LegacyElite84

    This is good.

  2. Elisto Dragonwings

    Huh, nice explanation for Naugus’s escape and why he didn’t turn to crystal! I was wondering how you guys were going to address that.

  3. dragon

    You’re artwork is really improving with every page, Saber! I think it’s getting just as good as Salamander’s, and if you keep this up you might even be better!

  4. Anonomos

    Why did he have to switch places with the pillsberry dough boy WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    also great work on the artwork Saber

  5. Bakuda

    Saber…I KNOW you enjoyed drawing Robotnik in that last panel! It seems like you’re finally sticking to one style…and I’m loving it. Sally’s expression is awesome! Keep it up, I can’t wait to see where this is going!

  6. Saber

    How could you tell, Bakuda 😛

    Yup, huge Robotnik fan, and finally got a chance to draw him!

    … Sorta! That was actually the easiest thing to draw out. Sketch out silhouette and evil eyes, DONE 😀

  7. LaserX5

    Ah, I see…

    Naugus switched places with Julian.

    Very interesting.

  8. Star

    i can’t help but say…sally’s expresion…ah priceless! :D…oh my god that’s where the egghead went!! :O oh…i meant eggman or robotnik you choice but i call him egghead because as i’ve seen him recently his head takes more of a egg shape…am i wrong? and saber…you live another day congrautilations or however you spell that word 😛

  9. Saber

    No, Star… nononononoNO!


    Conglaturation !!!
    You have finishd a great comic page.
    And prooved Sabres awesomeness to the cyberspace.
    Now go and rest our artist !

    … For anyone wondering what the hell I’m talking about,

  10. Star

    @saber oh…my…gawd…YOU DID NOT JUST PULL A GHOUST BUSTERS BURN!!! XD dude when i listened to the link i fought the erge to go ‘who you gonna call?…ghoust busters!’ XD yeah…saber you live for another year…screw week or day you live for another year XD keep being funny man and i’ll make sure you’ll stay alive on this site

  11. Flyboy 1945

    well I had the US Army Corps of Engineers on stand-by in case something happened to the website lol Gratz to you Saber for not screwing up and Kudos on the artwork its looking better and better!

    On a side note… Saber why didnt you spell your name Sabre instead? after the 1950s Korean War era US Air Force fighter jet, THE LEGENDARY F-86!!!

    also I want to check does everybody still have their hired Snipers and what not? because if you do I have a BRAND SPANKING NEW COUNTER TO ALL OF THEM!!!

  12. Star

    @Flyboy 1945 *snipers show* i still got mine but they haven’t fired lately…thinking about letting them go since saber is doing fine and paul hasn’t messed with us lately to bad…so what is this ‘counter’ you speak of?

  13. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Wow, finally! Ol’ Chrome Dome’s back!

  14. A Fan

    Ya’ll are doing an amazing job with the comic. Congrats. I can’t wait to see what happens.
    As for your reference to pokemon, the show still does that. Yes I’m a fan of that too.

  15. Anonomos

    You may have snipers………… but I have robocop

  16. True Blue Sonic Fan

    I love were ya’ll are going with this comic. Keep up the awesome work.

  17. Kage Kitsune


    Oh noes; it be the Lord of Lardness!

  18. sonicblur13

    hey saber i still watch pokemon and yes they do still do whos that pokemon

  19. Flyboy 1945

    My Counter shall be revealed in the next page

  20. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Chuck Norris: It’s Pikachu!
    (epic Chuck Norris stare)
    (Chuck Norris moves his mouth to trick us into thinking he’s smiling)

  21. Jay Three

    Sweet tap-dancing Jesus! Pokemon is still on the air?!?

    Great page btw…

  22. Death of Ink

    Oh so that’s why Robotnik made those weird sounds right after he yelled “HATE” one last time in the last episode of season 2, he was being targeted and transported to the Void by Nagus.

    I often wondered what happend to the big guy after the whole Doomsday event.

  23. Sonicturtleretro22

    I am from the future! From 2016 jkjklol. Nice comic. I know commenting this far back is strange but I’m bored so whatever. Great plot twists IMO

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