Chapter 003 – Page 028

…Okay its kinda my fault we are late today.  I’m still on holiday/birthday mode (turned 24 yesterday) so kinda forgot that it was Friday today.   Oh well.


King Acorn trapped with Robotnik.. What a fun party that must be!




Discussion (21) ¬

  1. Jay Three

    Happy belated B-Day Paul!

    Boy, talk about a tough choice for Sally, Eh?

  2. Star

    Happy B-day paul! for a present you get internet cookies 😀

    dang….sally…..DON’T TRUST HIM HE’S LYING!! NEVER TRUST THE ENEMEY!!!……sorry force of habbit

  3. Saber

    Happy birthday boss, can I have a raise?

  4. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Wow, Happy B-Day Paul!
    And the story gets more and more interesting 🙂

  5. True Blue Sonic Fan

    Happy birthday oh amazing one who is Paul.
    You are way way way past cool, and so is this comic.

  6. Flyboy 1945

    Is Naugus pulling a Darth Vader move? wow thats low, and what ever happened to that old saying “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”?

  7. Star

    @flyboy 1945 never actually heard of that saying but now that i think of it…………..i still would trust nagus….would you trust a evil wizard who’s been trapped in the void for who knows how long, finally came out and can do what ever he wants? the moment you finish his side of the deal he could throw them in the void with egghead, the king, and soon to be snively i bet 🙂

  8. Flyboy 1945

    @ Star
    I’ve seen so many scenarios involving the villain making some sort of deal and 9 times out of 10 the villain double crosses
    by the way my counter to your Snipers is SHADOW DRIVING AN M1A2 ABRAMS TANK!!!

  9. Star

    ah but all along flyboy i’ve had A SECRET WEPON! *small ghost appearse* yes she might look small but really…she’s hades daughter, she can make anyones life a living hell….her name is elizabeth….ELIZABETH BREAK THE TANK!

  10. Mirage

    Oh no… he wants Sonic replaced with King Acorn, doesn’t he?
    This is gonna hurt.

  11. Flyboy 1945

    Did you forget the “Ultimate Life Form” part? CHAOS BLAST!!!

  12. Star

    @flyboy 1945
    I’m not worryed, elizabeth can sheild anything… *gets hit with the chaos blast* ……..WHEN SHE’S WILLING TO LSITEN TO ME! DX note to self, get elizabeth that sprit lock…maybe then she’ll listen….alright if that’s the case……I has back up plan!………..give me a little while i knew i needed one but never really thought one up…

  13. Flyboy 1945

    @ Star
    Unleash the Tails Doll or not? choices choices…

  14. LaserX5

    Hoo boy, talk about being between a rock and a hard place.

    Although, why do I get the feeling Naugus is telling a half truth about her father?

  15. Star

    @flyboy 1945 the tails doll?!?! ARE YOU INSANE MAN!! THE TAILS DOLL WILL KILL US ALL!!!!! DX …. after a day of thinking i have a back up plan for a secret weapon, only problem is i can’t use it tell i get control of elizabeth. 🙁 alright flyboy, you win this round if you don’t realse the tails doll…it’s your choice

  16. Flyboy 1945

    @ Star
    well fought Star and I’ll let everybody in on a little secret I also have the counter to the Tails Dolls “Can You Feel the Sunshine” song, here is a hint: anybody familiar with a group called the 5th Dimension?

  17. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Can you feel the Sunshine is the yang,
    Don’t blame it on the Sunshine is the yin.

  18. Star

    @flyboy1945 the 5th dimension what’s that?

  19. Flyboy 1945

    @ Ultimate Hammer Bro
    I thought it was Aquarius/ Let the Sunshine In by the 5th Dimension
    the 5th Dimension is a pop group from the 60s I’m a big oldies buff thats how I know CUZ THE TAILS DOLL WONT STAND A CHANCE AGAINST THE FUNK AND PSYCHODELIC MUSIC THAT IS THE 60s AND 70s!!! thats how you tame Tails Doll

  20. Star

    @flyboy1945 ahh…that would work 🙂 good to know thank you for that information flyboy

  21. Sonicturtleretro22

    I am from the future all you 2011-ers loljkjk. Nice plot twist BTW.

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