Chapter 003 – Page 029

Friday? Comic? Here? Now? Yay!




Discussion (8) ¬

  1. Star

    …. *gulp* ….. i agree sally 🙁 your between a rock and a hard place

  2. LaserX5

    Sally though was smart not to trust Naugus.

    He would only doublecross them.

    Speaking of which, where is Sonic?

    I haven’t seen him for awhile.

  3. Flyboy 1945

    sometimes the right move isnt always the easy one but GET IT TOGETHER DID YOU FORGET ABOUT THE BOMBS????

  4. LegacyElite84

    I’ve always been wondering this, why is Naugus always pawned off as the bad guy. He didn’t do anything to hinder the freedom fighters in the show, his intentions were to stop Robotnik, and really dosen’t show any alligence with either side. But why is he always viewed as evil?

  5. feo2

    Ben Hurst has reveled that the eyes behind needle nose was Naugus. As well as some of the plot for season three of Sonic SATAM in wihch Naugus play the villian.

  6. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Woohoo. A bit of sentimentalism!
    I just came back from holiday and I didn’t expect it 🙂

  7. vmk89

    Naugus is evil in the comics, so… he sorta gets a reputation from that.

  8. vimax no brasil

    Minha filha willnot gostaria de ver isso aqui.

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