Chapter 003 – Page 30

Sorry, a bit late.   Saber was a tad late getting the page done and I’ve been at work and dealing with some other junk today.



PS.  Sally’s expressions are awesome.

Discussion (28) ¬

  1. Redauthar

    Nauggy: Whoops I think I forgot something..heh heh.

  2. Jay Three

    Oh yes, I love her expressions as well. Whoops, wrong turn!

  3. Gurrenmon

    It’s a trap! Can’t wait to see what happens next!

  4. Flyboy 1945

    Panel 8 thats the “Oh crap” look on Sally’s face lol priceless

  5. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Oh my.
    Who said in the last page that Naugus might not be so bad?

  6. Star

    i agree with you paul XD the faces are priceless! keep going!

    with smaller news just to boost my self a steam… Today is my B-day! 😛

  7. Mirage

    I would’ve PAID to see Bunnie do that.

  8. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Happy B-Day, Star!

  9. new FUS follower


    freedom fighters aren’t priority one, sonic is priority one!!

  10. LegacyElite84

    They probably re-wrote this page just to troll my last comment. And Happy Birthday Star.

  11. Paul

    If you actually think about it Robots would switch priorities depending on the given situation. For example under normal circumstances the SWATbots would have patrolling as priority 1. priority 2 would be checking out that radar dish or some junk.

    Now when you enter a scenario involving the freedom fighters the patrolling priority is automatically switched over so FreedomFighters are then Priority 1. When Sonic is involved in the group Sonic then becomes priority 1 due to Robotnics hate on the colour blue.

    Point is robots switch priorities according to their current situation.

  12. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Robotnik hates blue?
    Well, half of Robotropolis is dark blue ^^

    Btw, the priority stuff reminds me of an essay I once read, about the Pacman Ghosts’ behaviour, and how they switched between priorities XD

  13. Paul

    I was just saying hates blue cause of Sonic. A joke. HAW HAW

  14. Saber


    And happy birthday, Star! Hope it rocks like mad!

  15. gojira007

    Fun little trivia detail: the revision of what constitutes “Priority One” for the SWATBots is my subtle way of showing how Snively has reprogrammed the SWATBots. Unlike Robotnik, he does not have a personal fixation on Sonic, and thus considers any Freedom Fighter an equal-priority target for his SWATBots; consequently, he also considers Naugus’ primary purpose to specifically neutralize Sonic’s special abilities.

  16. Paul

    We don’t pay you for comments Gojira! Get back to the writing room!
    *cracks whip*


  17. Star

    thank you to the ones who wished me happy b-day ^_^ and it did rock, sort of, normal family party with a twist 😛 but that’s a story that i won’t say unless your willingly wanted to be board to death, and paul that mean! if Gojira wants to commet she can it’s good getting inside the writeers head

  18. gojira007

    @Star: Um, thanks for defending me…but I’m a “he”. ^^;

  19. Paul


  20. gojira007

    @Paul: Laugh now, beaver-boy, but we’ll see who’s laughing when I put a derogatory expy of you into the comic!

    HINT: IT’LL BE ME!!!

  21. Flyboy 1945

    @ Star
    sry if its a bit late but Happy Birthday!

  22. Flyboy 1945

    @ Paul
    Impersonating Indianna Jones Paul? dont make me call Harrison Ford.

  23. ColonelMaster

    Wait a second… wouldn’t the Freedom Fighters be Priority two? because of Robotnik’s obsession with Sonic he alone was Priority one

  24. Star

    @Gojira uh… o_o;; sorry about that, i think i made that same mistake before, i don’t know why but i keep doing that ^^;;

  25. gojira007

    @Star: No worries, it happens. ^_^

    @Colonel Master: See my previous comments on this very page. 😀

  26. LaserX5

    Hooboy, this isn’t good.

    I guess it’s about time for Sonic to come in now and save the day.

  27. LegacyElite84

    If Nagus had a moustache, he’d be curling it now with an evil smile.

  28. Elisto Dragonwings

    Next I want to see Bunnie take on the Swatbots instead of Sonic outright rescuing them because there’s never enough Bunnie action!

    And Gojira, I like your explanation for “priority one”. I love little details like that that could have easily been overlooked by someone else.

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