Chapter 003 – page 31

You ever wonder just how heavy a SWATbot is?  And Sonic just seems to send them flying all the time.   Bizarre.

Onto other things there is a strange smell in the air around FUS these days.  Almost smells like a new website.  And it just keeps getting stronger.



Discussion (19) ¬

  1. dmoney

    Well Sonic does have that riding board thingy (that we last seen in Ultra Sonic). So that might be heavy enough to knock around the Swat-bots.

  2. Bakuda

    Saber…I can’t say this enough. I LOVE your expressions! That face of Sally’s is priceless!!!

  3. Redauthar

    Paul, if you hadn’t eaten those beans, you wouldn’t be smelling anything.

    I’m pretty sure Sonic’s speed increases his force when he smashes into SwatBots.

  4. Jay Three

    Not only Sally’s face but everyone’s expressions are great!

    Strange smell huh? Try Febreeze, it works for me.

  5. LaserX5

    Ah, good old Sonic. Right on time. 🙂

    He never fails to dissapoint when he’s needed.

    Also, his one liner while crashing through the wall is hilarious.

    Well done.

  6. Star

    oh god! XD the faces are priceless but it seemes everyone already knew that….. sonic can knock them over because he’s sonic… he can do ANYTHING!!! 😀

  7. Gurrenmon

    Hooray! Sonic to the rescue!

  8. dr.awesome

    force= mass X speed
    force= mass X sonic
    force= choo choo sonic express= just pricelessly funny
    make perfect sense

  9. VladYvhv

    Force = Mass x Velocity. Sonic has a lot of velocity. So he can ram even a light object into someone or something much harder than anyone else can.

  10. SirVisual

    Been reading for a while, finally joining. Force equals mass times acceleration, though. Loving the work I see here.

  11. Flyboy 1945

    Everybody got their tickets? lol

  12. Future

    Man, Sonic’s line with the expression on his face made me laugh so hard. And I am loving Saber’s style now. He has really improved!!!

  13. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Well, we don’t know how heavy SWATbots are.
    Maybe they’re made of non-biodegradable plastic.
    Why? Maybe because IT POLLUTES!

    (Insonicnia reference successfully inserted)

  14. dmoney

    Nah the swatbots are made of metal, as the sound effects from the origional series would tell us. Thus they are pretty heavy and powerful. But like you guys said, the force by Sonic (especially with a power ring) is enough to knock them off their feet. Cant wait till the next page is out!!

  15. Asher Tye

    Knowing Robotnik, he probably uses cheap materials in the SWATs’ construction. And I can’t think Snively has all that much metal to just throw around these days

  16. Speedy

    XD everyone’s expressions are priceless

  17. Saber

    The page should be uploaded sometime today… We just need to wait for Chief.

    My fault guys, I just suck with deadlines d:

  18. Star

    it’s alright saber, personally i don’t mind as long as the comic page is good XD

  19. CrimsonFoxx

    Well, to be fair, the SWAT bots are probably a lot easier to be knocked down with someone with Sonic’s speed considering that Sonic probably exerts several hundred pounds of force when he collides with something at full speed.

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