Chapter 003 – Page 032




Page is late my bad.   On the other hand if you live in Southern BC like myself you would have felt a lovely 6.7 magnitude earthquake today.  Brought some excitement into my work day.


Next week? Yes.



Discussion (14) ¬

  1. Gurrenmon

    Awesome job!

  2. dragon

    I’m lovin the expressions on this one! Way past cool! ^_^

  3. Jay Three

    Another great page, Paul!

  4. Keen Bean

    What can I say, great work as usual!

  5. Paul

    Don’t thank me, I’m just editor and producer. Thank Saber and Gojira.

  6. Star

    XD i know i should say something but i’d just be saying what were all thinking 😀 ….ah screw it
    THE FACES!! *drops laughing* PRICELESS!!! XD
    that and great page, keep it up guys! don’t let it die! 😀

  7. MistressAli

    Heh, the expressions are great. So um… expressive and stuff! 😛
    I don’t think Snivvy is going to be happy about his seXy tower going up in flames 🙁

  8. Redauthar



  9. NH

    I love Saber’s expressions. Sonic’s face when he’s talking to Sally is perfect. Cocky little bastard hedgehog, like Sonic should be.

  10. LaserX5


    Gotta love Bunnie and Rotor’s expressions.

  11. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    That nice pillar is going to explode.


  12. Vlad Yvhv

    Timeblombs: About $30 worth of household supplies.
    Big green tower: Probly around $30 million.
    The look between Rotor and Bunny: Priceless.

  13. Flyboy 1945

    now they know what its like going past Mach 1 lol

  14. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    @Vlad Yvhv
    I know another version of that.

    “There are some things that money can’t buy. For everything else, **********”

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