Chapter 003 – Page 033

I would say more about this awesome page but…Too early in the morning.



Discussion (18) ¬

  1. Redauthar

    I’m sorry but Sally’s expression at the start here just blows all her others away.

  2. Paul

    *drinks his coffee*

    Expressions are one of the main reasons we hired Steven to do the drawing in the first place. He is amazing at them. Even his style and backgrounds have improved A LOT throughout this chapter. So I can say I’m proud he is on the team.

  3. gojira007

    Heh…I think my favorite little detail is Bunnie straightening her ears out in the background. Great work as always, Saber. ^_^

  4. Saber

    Thanks guys XD

    I had the pose for Sally planned out, with here holding on to the handle bar for dear life, but the face was originally less funny… It was more of what Rotor had, but it eventually morphed into that loony toon-ish look there.

    As for Bunnie fixing her ears, that was last second thing. I thought it would be a cute idea.

  5. Netsuye

    Ok, this was a perfect time to have a humorous mood. After many strips of seriousness, it’s nice. I really live this comic. Way more than that “other” one, even!

  6. LaserX5

    Aw, poor Sally…

    Naugus really hit below the belt when he mentioned him to her.

    Anyway, love the facial expressions everyone’s displaying after Sonic’s bragging about his little escape. XD So funny.

  7. Star

    oh god! XD today was a bad day for me but just seeing the expresions made me laugh harder then i have in a LONG time! XD keep going guys this is going great! 😀

  8. linknyte

    so i am a huge fan of SatAM and i literally just stumbled upon this little project while i was supposed to be studying and ended up reading every page. this comic is absolutely fantastic, it’s like a perfect continuation of the show. just wondering one thing– how seriously is this project taken by the staff creating it? are you guys in it for the long haul? is there some chance it might be unceremoniously taken away and abruptly end like SatAM? i don’t think i could bear to have it happen to me twice! D;

  9. Bakuda

    OK Saber…I know I say this way too many times…and I know it’s already been mentioned…but Sally’s expression on panel 3 is just AWESOME!!! And I agree with Gojira…Bunnie fixing the ears is a nice touch as well. But I’ll NEVER forget Sally in that panel…it’s just great!

  10. Flyboy 1945

    Low blow by Naugus but I do have some words of wisdom for Sally
    Cpl. Dun “So when are we heading to Moscow?”
    Sgt. Foley “When the time is right Corporal, when the time is right…”
    Thought that would be appropriate for Sally in the last pannel
    but love the expressions in the 3rd pannel, is it me? or is Sonic talented at giving his friends near-heart attacks?

  11. Paul

    @linknyte Hmm…. We take this pretty seriously. I don’t imagine I would cancel the comic in less something dire happened. I don’t imagine Gojira or Saber leaving the project either so.. We should be in this for the long haul.

  12. Linknyte

    Amazing. I am with you to the end!

  13. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    I’m glad you are. I felt the same when I first saw the comic.

    Wow, I hadn’t realized that I hadn’t commented!!
    Now what can I say?
    My two favourite things (Panel 3 Sally, Panel 6 Bunnie) have already been said.

  14. Manumanu

    The day of my birthday… And this is the absolutely most epic sally’s face ever !

  15. Gurrenmon

    Awesome Sally expression!

  16. Special Operative Blaire

    I know this has been said already but….

    Panel 3.

    Sally’s face.


  17. dragon

    It doesn’t look like Tails’ near-death experience is affecting Sonic right now…
    I’m still waiting for Sally to learn about that, and given the skill of Saber’s expressions, it should be a tense moment…

    And Kuckles is going to be coming back soon, right?

  18. Vlad Yvhv

    This really captures the nature of Sat AM: A combination of silly and serious. Both of Sally’s expressions are priceless for both of those purposes.

    I’d hate to be Naugus the next time Sally sees him…

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