Chapter 003 – Page 034

This week’s comic is brought to you by Star Trek door opening sounds, angry midgets, and viewers like you!


Next week, Snively gets stilts.




Discussion (12) ¬

  1. Darkfox

    Snively reminds me of Robotnik when he’s mad. Looks like he’s starting to become more like his uncle.

  2. LaserX5

    Looks like Snively’s starting to get suspicious of Naugus now.

    Maybe he’s starting to figure out he’s going to eventually betray him.

  3. Star

    man snively you might as well put on a diper if you keep going, that or maybe naugus should give you the pengiun head 😀

  4. Moon Princess

    Let the betrayer be betrayed. Good mantra to live by.
    Anyway, it always amuses me to see Snively mad. 😀

  5. Redauthar

    Snively Snively Snively, don’t you know? Never mess with the guy who has magical powers that you can’t combat.

  6. Kage Kitsune

    “Next week, Snively gets Stilts.”

    Total Win XD

  7. Gurrenmon

    Snively’s angery expressions are priceless! XD

  8. Madame Kiki

    Darkfox took the words out of my mouth.

  9. Vlad Yvhv

    Perhaps blinding rage runs in the family? Robotnik did a lot of stupid things in SatAM just because he got too ticked-off to think straight. It sort of became part of Sonic’s strategy for dealing with him.

  10. Flyboy1945

    I take it “Patience” is not in the Robotnik Vocabulary

  11. dmoney

    I just dont get it. How stupid can you be? In SatAM, that was ALWAYS the plan… Sonic would be a decoy to get the robots to chase him, while the others would go do the damage that they really came to do. Robotnik fell for it all the time. And now its the same thing for Snivley! Even after Naugus warned him. Cant wait to see the next panel, the showdown between Snivley and Naugus!!

  12. Dogsport

    I don’t think it would be much of a show down unless Snivley honestly has serious leverage in this “agreement.” Judging from the previous pages, I’m going to say he’s over valued his bargaining chip.

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