Chapter 003 – Stilts are bad ass

Told ya Snivley got stilts.



Okay so this is just my way of making Saber work harder while delaying the final page of chapter 3.  I like to have fun now and then.. Come back tomorrow, we will have the final page of chapter 3 up for you guys then.   Then Monday we will start the next side story.  ….Better be Monday.  With so much going on I haven’t even had a chance to look at the next side story yet to Edit it.   Busy weekend ahead for me.




Discussion (13) ¬

  1. Kage Kitsune

    XD Awesome

  2. Mirage

    Push him over. Push him over, bonehead!

  3. Firefan (Previously Fanman)

    Now lets see how long he stays up there

    *Looks at Naugus*

  4. Star

    XD it might be early in the morining on my side but i can still use a laugh! XD i saw we all push him over on three then dog pile his butt 😛

  5. Redauthar

    Now pay attention class: This is what is known as a moron on stilts. They believe by making themselves taller they become more intimidating, however those foolish enough to resort to stilts find it quite hard to walk and leave themselves as open targets. For example…
    *Pushes Snively’s Stilts*

  6. feo2

    I can’t decide what would be funnier. Naugas using his power to make himself bigger, or to make Snively smaller. Either way Naugas would probly try to step on Snively.

  7. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Oh God. My mind is blown up, I can’t think of even one funny comment to say.
    This image has a lot of potential to make jokes about it, but right now I can’t use it.

  8. LaserX5

    Snively has finally gone off his rocker.

    I can’t imagine what Naugus will do in response to this.

  9. Gurrenmon

    Lol! Awesome!

  10. dr.awesome

    this is how you be late pual you add funny things so no one cares they have to wait cuz they weren’t disappionted

  11. Moon Princess

    hahaha. This adds to making my day a heck of a lot better! 😀

  12. Werekitty119

    Best picture ever. I’m reading this entire site in one day, but this is my favorite yet.

  13. Sonicturtleretro22

    Rad stilts

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