Chapter 003 – Page 035

….And with that we see the end to Ch.3.   Interesting no?


So instead of releasing one of our shorts on Monday I have decided to just push out chapter 4.  Screw waiting, lets find out what happens next!


See you Friday with the first page of Ch.4




Discussion (17) ¬

  1. Star

    Ohh Ohh! can i smack snively?! i got my own bat for it to 😀 …. 🙁 that face… pannel six……it scares me a bit…… 😀 wonder if my brother can make it for halloween that’s bound to scare some kids

  2. Skotty

    This is really a great end for chapter 3. It was the longest of all and I think the most exciting. Sabers talent for all facial expressions and details makes every single page to a masterpice of artwork. My congrats to you Saber for your first complete chapter!
    I always download every page so I can watch and read the comic anywhere I am because its so great. If you would print it, I would know for what I would spend my money 😉
    And Gorija makes a great job combining all SatAM elements with other important Sonic content like Knuckles and of course the emeralds. Its always a pleasure to read this comic, page for page. Keep it that way!

  3. Mirage

    It’s about time someone shut that little gremlin up. I’m just sorry it wasn’t me.

  4. Speedy

    Wow, this is just getting more and more interesting by the minute. I wonder what happens next

  5. RedAuthar

    Snively: Well Crap, I knew the stilts wouldn’t work…

  6. RedPanda234

    What? No Antoine short?!
    Well, if chapter 4 is coming faster, I think it’s worth it 🙂
    ( As long as the short appears later, though. Also, Paul could be lying again…)

  7. GhostAnjo

    oh smack…I mean snap

  8. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Chapter 4!!!!

    Now I hope Knuckles makes another appearance.

    Are two shorts coming after chapter 4?
    Also the shorts could be comprised (as if it were a real season) in one or two episodes.

  9. Flyboy1945


  10. Kage Kitsune


    Nagus just up and smacked the taste outta ‘ol Sniv’s mouth, right there!

    …We sure he hadn’t trained with Knuckles somehow in the void? XD

  11. dragon

    And come Friday we’ll find out that this is where the comic ends, doomed to end on a cliffhanger just like the animated series…


    By the way, love the page but Naugus scared me on that sixth panel…

  12. Gurrenmon

    I love Naugus’ evil smile, very creepy!

  13. Feo2

    Now we see how devious Nagus is. He doesn’t play unless the deck is stacked in his favor.

    I guess he learned from the first time he dealt with Julian.

  14. Asher Tye

    About time Naugus

  15. MistressAli

    LOL I like how Sniv gets up like ‘Bitch, you call that a slap?’

  16. LaserX5

    Can’t say I didn’t see that coming.

    Naugus will listen to no one.

  17. Drew

    …And Naugus just set himself up for a backstabbing…

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