Chapter 004 – Page 001

And so we start chapter 4.




Discussion (19) ¬

  1. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Wow, chapter 4!
    Now: Naugus’s memories?
    Maybe he trained with Yoda?

  2. Gurrenmon

    Naugus: Dark forces, give me sight beyond sight!

  3. Mermaid Ninja

    Okay, that was freaky.

  4. Obstructed by clouds

    Ultimate Hammer Bro@
    …maybe he trained with Yoda?

    lol XD!

    obviously, Naughus has decidet to go on a mission/task/quest, set by someone way above Naughus… and Naughus is shearching for something small and esence, deep within…

    who could he be dreaming about? and what is Naughses goal?

  5. LaserX5

    He found something eh?

    Why do I get the feeling it’s not a Chaos Emerald?

    Perhaps something more important?


    WOW!!! Paul wasn’t kidding, we actually went straight to chapter 4. As for Naugus’s master. It should be Feist from the archie comic.
    Excellent job as usual. Keep up the awesomeness.

  7. Elisto Dragonwings

    Lazaar? Or someone else who talks like that?

  8. Star

    o_o;;; i’m sorry but this page kind of scares me a little, no offence but it just kind of freaks me out a bit

  9. VladYvhv

    Star: I think that’s the point they’re trying to pull off… Things are heading down a dark and possibly quite scary road…I’m curious to see where it goes…

  10. Star

    @VladYuhv: yeah i guess that’s what they pulled off but still this page gives me the creeps….. keep it up guys perfect for this month! 😀

  11. Ginji

    …Master? Could that possibly mean Ixis “Mammoth” Mogul isn’t an Archie-Sonic exclusive character and will appear in Sea3on?!?

  12. Madam Kiki

    The only character in the cartoon series that talks like the voice is Lazaar (don’t think that’s spelled right). However, if memory serves me correctly, in the comics, Naugus did work with Mammoth Mogul. It could be either one of those guys.

    Still, when do we get to see Knuckles again?

  13. c.w.

    I don’t think it would make sense for Lazar to be Naugus’s master(if he has one). Naugus’ magic seems to be a manipulation of the elements whereas Lazar’s magic seemed to be more like incredibly advanced technology. But Lazar did talk like that so I guess could be reworked into Naugus’s master.

  14. gojira007

    OK, there’s a bit of a running theme in this page’s comments I feel compelled to address: SaTAM’s Naugus and Archie’s Ixis Naugus are different characters. The underlying facts of their abilities and histories are different, their personality and motives are different…they may share the same basic design ‘n’ name, but fundamentally speaking, they’re not interchangeable.

  15. Elisto Dragonwings

    gojira, that’s true even of their appearance: SatAM’s Naugus has a tail.

  16. gojira007

    @Elisto Dragonwings: Ah yes, how silly of me to forget. Thanks. 😀

  17. Jay Three

    So… how did the renegotiation go?

    Oh… I see!

    Great to have my internet connection back. I miss reading this comic so much!

  18. LegacyElite84

    I smell shenanigans in the brewin’.

  19. Quickster

    It has to be Lazar. Mammoth Mogul started with Archie.

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