Chapter 004 – Page 002

And away we go on a wonderful adventure!  You guys are sure to love this chapter!


First up, in case you are a new reader I’ll give out some credits.

Writer: The Mysterious Mr. E Mason, otherwise known as Gojira

Artist: The Young and talented Steven Wood, otherwise known as Saber16

Last but not least your lovely producer/editor and your guide through this lovely series.. :Myself.  Paul Scott, otherwise known as chief on the forums.



Anyways hope you guys have enjoyed the comic so far.  Trust me.  Chapter 4 is going to be a good one!



Discussion (26) ¬

  1. SonicFlashNut


  2. SonicFlashNut

    Hey cool, first. Why is Sonic flying the plane? Rotor, Tails and even Antoine are better at piloting.

  3. Ashura01

    Well Tails seems to be enjoying himself XD

  4. Skotty

    It’s always great like you guys keep the SatAM story alive. The idea of using places like Maga is a interesting idea. This could give the Secret Scrolls a new life, this time with more use for the Freedom Fighters than in the series (where the use was zero, or just minimal). I’m excited what they are looking for. Maybe they figured out that “Slimeley” and Naugus are looking for the Emeralds…

  5. Bakuda

    Alright…some action! I’ve been dying to see some action! And yeah…I love how excited Tails looks XD

  6. LegacyElite84

    Called it.

  7. LaserX5


    Gotta love Sonic and Sally’s dialog.

    So funny. XD

  8. Ken

    Dulcy probably flies better than Sonic.


    This page is PERFECT. The illustrations are perfect. The dialog is perfect. I have REALLY enjoyed this Sonic comic. I look forward to Fridays even more now. I finally get a continuation to the SatAm Sonic cartoon. Thanks for all the amazing work y’all do.

  10. Gurrenmon

    Awesome, Sonic and friends are back on the island from “sonic and the secret scrolls.”

  11. Claude

    The expressions are priceless

  12. Elisto Dragonwings

    “Trust me. Chapter 4 is going to be a good one!”

    What, you think we weren’t already expecting that, given what you guys have done so far?

  13. Paul

    ..Well fine. Chapter 5 is going to downright suck!

    Get picky on what I say..I’ll show you.

  14. Elisto Dragonwings

    Great! Gojira, I look forward to a really bad chapter 5! XD

  15. Star

    letting sonic fly the plane again….. pricelesss XD, it’s all fun and games until sonic gets behind the wheel XP

  16. Speedy

    Ant’s expression in the last panel is priceless! XD

  17. Kage Kitsune

    How fitting XD My own kid has discovered the awesome that is SatAM; and was delving through my box set the other day; and “Sonic and the Secret Scrolls” was the last episode she watched XD

  18. dragon

    Uh-oh. Tails is with them again. Either he’s going to get hurt for real this time, or worse, Sally will learn what happened last time. He still looks as cute as ever, though… ^_^

  19. Firefan

    Umm… *looks at pictures again* Roter?

  20. dmoney

    How come nobody is sitting in the front with Sonic?? Are they that afraid?? LOL!! Awesome job, guys! I really enjoy reading this comic. Keep up the good work! I cant wait to see what happens in this chapter.

  21. Flyboy1945

    I take it Rotor was unsucessfully trying to teach Sonic how to fly earlier?

  22. Ken

    Sonic lands worse than Dulcy. The rest of them are probably wishing she was flying them

  23. dragon

    New page? -_-

  24. Captain Sorzo

    I’m not a huge fan of “Sonic and the Secret Scrolls”, but I’ve got a feeling this arc could change that. Maga certainly had potential as a setting.

    Poor Antoine.

  25. Luffy

    Hm, in the future, I’m guessing that plane is so totally becoming the Tornado.

  26. Quickster

    @TRUE BLUE SONIC FAN: “Define ‘perfect’.” 😀

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