Chapter 004 – Page 003

Okay so we are a tad late today.  Its Steven’s fault so blame him all you want.  Also we fed Tails drugs in this one.


Anyways some interesting news.   Back when Sal left Sea3on and we were looking for a new artist we actually gave applicants a single page script. Just to see how well they would pull it off on a scripted page. Anyways next Friday is actually that page we gave to people to see how well they could draw and how well they could follow the script made out for them.


Anyways Steven sent us a number of pictures during the process.  Basically showed us his skills through out drawing a few things.   So…In order to punish him for being so late on today’s page I’m going to make the next 7 days the week of Saber!  So starting tomorrow till Friday I will slowly release his try out stuff.  So yes… You do kinda get to see next weeks page before hand…But the new one will be much better!  So basically we start from crap to good.


Anyways see you tomorrow.



Discussion (3) ¬

  1. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Yep, Sonic.
    Bit of a long-shot.

    Anyway, an interesting page. I need to revise Sonic and the Secret Scrolls, because I don’t quite remember it XD

  2. LaserX5

    Very cool page you drew here, Saber.

    The storyline’s starting to get really interesting too.

  3. Knux's Lost hat

    I’m really starting to like the connections you guys are doing. Keeping it nice and contained, adding to the mix slowly, but with care.

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