Saber Week – 01

First up..Yeah yesterday’s page was late.  So if you haven’t checked it out yet…Go do it.


Now onto Saber week…



Okay so basically this was the first thing we got from Steven during the application process.  Besides his Dev Art account of course.  Here I asked him to quickly sketch up some buildings, forest, etc etc.   Less then a hour later he shot this out at me.


Tomorrow I’ll toss out some of the script page he did.



Oh yes..I’m sure Steven will hate me now for doing this to him..especially a  whole week of it.  Teaches him for being late huh?

Discussion (2) ¬

  1. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Saber will kill you XD
    But it’s always interesting to see how he started.

  2. Special Operative Blaire

    Have fun dying, Paul. ^_^

    And he did that in less than an hour? It’s sure better then anything I could come up with.

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