Saber Week – 03

Changed Directions?



So first off if you came in here looking for last Friday’s page..Its up, go check it out.  Currently I’m just going through some of Steven’s work he sent into us before we hired him.  The reason for this is the script we gave out for auditions is coming up on Friday.  So..really I’m doing this to show you guys how much Steven has improved over the last ..10 months?


Anyways cheers, see you guys tomorrow for another one of his turned in pieces.

Discussion (3) ¬

  1. Saber

    In before, “Bunnie’s arm’s on the wrong side! LOL!”

  2. Skotty

    I just noticed that Bunnie never had 4 fingers at her robotic arm. There she has always just 3 fingers in every SatAM episode.

  3. Captain Sorzo

    It seems like Naugus is being built up to be Sally’s nemesis, much as Robotnik is Sonic’s: the ultimatum regarding King Acorn has turned her initial terror of him into, if this draft is any indication, outright hatred, an emotion she hasn’t displayed before. That’s not to say she’s being written out of character; to the contrary, it’s an interesting development, especially considering that Naugus isn’t a clear-cut villain.

    I think character expressions are my favorite aspect of Saber’s art. Not only are they often hilarious, but pages like this prove that they can be enough to move the story even without dialogue.

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