Chapter 004 – page 004

Hang on tight, this will be fun.



So tomorrow I’ll upload the picture drew back last January when we brought him into the comic.



Discussion (6) ¬

  1. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    I just love how connections are made between all seasons 🙂

  2. Blue-streaker

    I love the sea3on comic!

  3. LaserX5

    Wow, Sally looks really determined to free her father.


    Although, that last scene of her looks a bit off. It’s almost like she’s a bit ticked off now just thinking about it.

  4. Bakuda

    I’ve been waiting for this page for a while…well done Saber! Great work on Sonic in particular on this page.

  5. Scripten

    Heh, I remember starting this page for my submission before giving up because I saw Saber had entered his own art. Very impressive, as always.

  6. dmoney

    LOL look at Antoine in the last panel!! Awesome!

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