Happy Halloween!!

Hey Guys! Happy Halloween from all of here at FUS.


Cookies to anyone who can name off what the characters are dressed as.   Also a even bigger cookie if you can figure out the connection between Sally and the character we dressed her up as is.  There is a connection and its a neat one.

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Discussion (22) ¬

  1. Bakuda

    Great job saber…I love what you did with Knuckles XD

  2. LegacyElite84


  3. Captain Sorzo

    Both Sal and the Starcraft II character Mira Han, whom Sally is dressed up as here, are voiced by Kath Soucie.

  4. Paul

    BAM! Extra digital cookies to Captain Sorzo

  5. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Tails, m’boy… what the hell are you dressed as?
    Who the hell is that?

  6. Paul

    You are kidding right?

  7. LegacyElite84

    @Captain Sorzo How did I not see that?

  8. Star

    *cracks knuckels* Sonic is eggman, Tails is mario…..tratoir…..Sally is Mira from starcraft, Bunny is……something XD antoine i think is suposed to be a robot, knuckles is dressed as the smiley face guy while the smiley face guy is dressed as knuckles XD and rotor is also dressed as eggman….i think XD but great job saber this looks awesome

  9. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    I don’t know if you’re referring to me, but if you are, of course I’m kidding.
    I just love how they dress as things they can’t know about because it’s completely impossible that they exist in their universe.

  10. Captain Sorzo

    @ Ultimate Hammer Bro: Wait…you’re saying Mario didn’t exist in the SatAM universe? Then who on Mobius was Robotnik responsible for defeating in the Great War?

  11. saber

    Awesome work, Star! As for the other two, Awesome-o and… Come on don’t tell me you haven’t read, or at least seen Watchmen…

  12. saber

    Oh, and don’t forget Dracula and Pikachu.

  13. Roveel

    @ Star: Bunnie is Rorschach from Watchmen. Antoine is awesom-o from South Park. Rotor is Eggman and Sonic is Robotnik. The robot in the middle is from SatAM but I don’t know the name 🙂

  14. dragon

    @Roveel Ro-Becca, I think.

    Just about fell out of the chair laughing at Knuckles. Tails is soo cute in that Mario outfit… ^_^
    Why the heck would Sonic dress up as his enemy? Makes no sense to me.

  15. Knux's Lost hat

    You guys are geniuses.

  16. Knux's Lost hat

    Whoops. Genii.

  17. Kage Kitsune


    To make fun of the guy; why else? XD

    Sonic (As Robotnik): “Bluhh bluhh bluhh; Snively? Where are you? I’m tired of waddling my Techno-blubber around; where’s my embarrassingly-specific ointment??” XD

  18. Madame Kiki

    I can imagine Sonic telling Rotor, “Okay, one of us has got to change.”

  19. Star


    thank you thank you i know this is really late but better late then never ^_^ and persoanlly just recently i just saw pikachu and the vampire in the painting XD i know i’m slow but hey at least i saw them XP

  20. Argent

    @Madame Kiki

    Sonic and Rotor are actually two different Eggman’s, sonic being the more villainous of the two.

  21. Elizabeth the Bathog

    LOL snively as pikachu and Naugus as a vampire 😀

  22. Quickster

    I guess Awesome Guy is kind of a thing now, isn’t he?

    I love Naugus as Dracula! 😀

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