Chapter 004 – page 005

Uploading this from work so..Gotta be quick. 


However..Where are the seatbelts?  Not very Safe there Saber…


Next week?  Yes? No? Maybe?   Probably yes.



Discussion (9) ¬

  1. blue-streaker

    aww, tails grew up so fast XD

    Dude, you need to print a sea3on book or somthing.

  2. LaserX5

    Wow, I noticed Sally sure is frowning alot now in these comics.

    Guess Naugus’ words really upset her.

    And what was Sonic doing there, shouting, “Listen!”

    Kinda bizarre

  3. Gurrenmon

    Tails is sweet shouting “way past cool!”

  4. Paul

    Well Blue-Streaker… Sadly due to all that copy write junk we aren’t printing books. Can’t sell them. We WERE going to print off small copies on our own money..But that idea fall through. Costs a lot to print ya know?

    So in less you can convince whomever to allow is to make this a “official” Sonic comic…You sadly won’t see it printed.

  5. Star

    secound to last panel….. the face……….. the faaaaccccceeee…….. he sees the chilly dog XDi couldn’t help it i finally saw this thing when i’m in a random mood so don’t yell at me to much for being annoying 😛 listen to what sonic? i hear nothing….yet………

  6. VladYvhv

    Sally’s going to find whoever built the city and then punch them in the face for making that stupid chair ride and all the riddles…

  7. Captain Sorzo

    The first panel was rather heartwarming. The comic’s doing a great job of giving Tails a more active role while keeping the wide-eyed, enthusiastic innocence that made him endearing to begin with. Also, nice use of atmospheric lighting in the third panel, Saber.

  8. Flyboy1945

    I think Tails is a Thrill Junkie.
    Dont tell me Sonic is going to turn into Link’s fairy!
    “Hey Listen!”

  9. Redauthar

    Sonic…another victim of Navi-ism

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