Chapter 004 – Page 006

Id personally be glad that I wasn’t being blown away every few minutes…



Discussion (11) ¬

  1. LaserX5

    Ah, looks like Snively may have tampered with those wind tunnels.

  2. Star

    i kind of have to agree with paul wouldn’t it be eaiser if the wind tunnels weren’t blowing ever five secounds? and i don’t want to sound mean but am i the only one who thinks sonic looks a little off in the last pannel?

  3. Special Operative Blaire

    Oooh, suspenseful. 😉

  4. Gurrenmon

    Can’t wait to see what happens next!

  5. Saber

    Not mean at all. A criticism is a criticism, and I’d rather have someone point out something that looks off rather than letting me not know about it.

    Yeah.. looking back on it… his face is kinda… um, off XD Mainly the muzzle, at least, that’s what I see.

  6. Arn

    “Breath of Mobius” not a good thing if “the breath of you” is still….

  7. Captain Sorzo

    Saber, did you use a different shade of blue on Sonic for the first two panels? It looks paler than usual.

    If so, was this simply done due to the lighting from the upper-right?

  8. VladYvhv

    The wind tunnel is kinda like a geyser. If it’s not working then there’s obviously something wrong with it.

  9. dmoney

    Man the look of determination on Sally’s face is blowing me away. She has not smiled once since the beginning of this chapter LOL. She is serious about getting her dad back!!

  10. Saber

    Yeah, tried making him paler for some reason. I was… not in my right mind when I was finishing this page off. I decided to pull an all nighter and.. it messed with me.

  11. Flyboy1945

    Actually when I look at last week’s and this week’s comic the art does look a little different.

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