Chapter 004 – Page 007

Yeah okay so we are late.  Ooops.




Discussion (14) ¬

  1. sonicblur13


  2. Star

    Secound!! and hey better late then never 😛 great page……DON’T GO INTO THE LIGHT SONIC WE CAN’T AFFORD TO LOSE OUR HERO YET! DX

  3. LaserX5

    Looks like Sally’s got a personal score to settle now which has drowned out her conservative , tactical approach.

    I like it.

    She should have a moments where she goes on pure emotion instead of intellect.

  4. Flyboy1945

    Guess they found the light at the end of the tunnel

  5. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Are they dying? They seem so XD

  6. Skotty

    Maybe it’s a light like they saw in Sonic Boom, this red light. So maybe it’s something Robotnik left there after they got the Secret Scrolls?

  7. cw

    Is Sonic’s joke about Antwan having a wig supposed to be an Archie Sonic reference?

  8. VladYvhv

    Possibly just a joke about his awful hairdo. Back when I was in gradeschool, the music teacher had a really awful hair style that looked like a bad wig. Everyone thought he had a wig, but he didn’t.

  9. Captain Sorzo

    As always, great page this week. The amount of content on this one makes the minor delay understandable. My only gripe is that there’s no transition between the Freedom Fighters preparing to enter a vertical shaft and them running down a horizontal tunnel, which hurts the flow a bit.

    Very nice contrast in lighting between the upper and lower halves of the page.

  10. Knux's Lost hat

    Is it an emerald?! Tell me it’s an emerald!

  11. Feo2

    my bet is a alter that used to have an emerald

  12. LegacyElite84

    Did they hit the core of Mobius?

  13. Gurrenmon

    Can’t wait to see what’s at the end of the tunnel.

  14. Aurora Redwinters

    You said updates every Friday….. you LIE!

    Just kidding. Can’t wait though to see what’s next.

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