Chapter 004 – page 008

Okay so we are late again..Ooops. First off blame the yanky Thanksgiving. Those jerks do it on a Thursday! What the hell? Steven thought he had a Thursday off..I mean REALLY? But Okay.

Secondly…Blame Eric for those damn symbols on the wall. He is rather detailed in the scripts and poor ol’ Steven has to draw it out. Been talking to Steven all day and the backgrounds have been giving him the most trouble. But its come out fairly good.

Anyways Happy Yank Thanksgiving to the yanks. To the Canadians, we are better then them and have Thanksgiving at the proper date in October…And for the rest of the world..You guys get no Turkey. Simply put, no one cares about you.

See you next week!



– Note from artist-

Only I could make scribbles on a wall this difficult. I’m sorry it took so long guys. School, holiday, background, lighting, I’m just glad I’m done… Now for next week YAY.


Also, say hi to Mr. Awesome face.

Discussion (27) ¬

  1. Skotty

    So thats the first emerald?
    I think Knuckles won’t give it them without a (verbal) fight, will he?

  2. Mermaid Ninja

    Hey, Knux.

  3. John

    Epic page.

  4. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Oh, it’s Rotor!!

    (Anyone remembers?)

  5. Special Operative Blaire

    Hurray for the Awesome Face! =D

    And I love Tails’ expression in the first panel. XD

  6. RedAuthar

    Knuckles: Dang…I shoulda remembered to close the door.

  7. Bakuda

    The thing that I find funny is look at everyone’s faces…is Tails the only one excited to see Knuckles???

  8. Star

    XD oh god here comes the fight….. it’s not rotor! it’s knckel-head! and the scribbles…..i don’t see why they have to be very detailed, they look great but why worry about a background that much? eh oh well another question to reaserch later 😛 keep it up! and i also hoped you guys had a good thanksgiving! 😀

  9. Skotty

    @ Bakuda:
    Tails is excited because Knuckles saved his life in chapter 2 page 20.

  10. Speedy

    love the expressions, especially Knuckles’. He like, ‘Oh snap, they found my secret hiding spot!’

  11. LaserX5

    So, Knuckles is finally revealed.


    I thought it was him when I fist saw this guy.

  12. Kage Kitsune

    Well yes; pardon a fellow Yankee for enjoying Thanksgiving; lol. (Though I technically won’t have it until tomorrow; weird family traditions ‘n stuff)

    Awesome page tho ^^

  13. Argent

    That commentary wasn’t offensive. Not at all.

    Don’t care if you were being sarcastic or not. Not cool.

  14. Paul

    Well if that upset you, you should probably stop reading my comments then.

    Also finally got caught up in the script in preparation for next week. Should be a good page.

  15. Captain Sorzo

    So in the event that you guys opt to create a Thanksgiving wallpaper, would it be created in November but not posted until the following October?

    In all seriousness, though, nice lighting effects and expressions as usual, Saber. It must have been a pain drawing those symbols in perspective, but they turned out well.

    The forthcoming pages should prove quite interesting, especially if Knuckles starts to interact with our intrepid heroes for a prolonged period of time.

  16. Paul

    Hahaha to be honest we actually did talk about that this year and we weren’t sure what to do. We basically chose that the Halloween one was coming out in between the two Thanksgivings so that would do for this year. But to be honest it was a talk we had.

    Most of my staff is American (besides 1 mod on the forums) that’s why I took the jab that I did. I get to have a little fun with them now and then.

    So if we were going to be technical on the staff ratio a wallpaper would come out in November. However if you get into the readership ratio its really split down the middle. So..In all honesty who knows. I’m sure one year we will do a Thanksgiving wallpaper, just not sure what thanksgiving we would put it out at 😛

  17. Flyboy1945

    Lol, wow, you guys put up this page on my Birthday.
    (A Person in the crowd) Knuckles? *Bang*

  18. Paul

    Well the script has smile face guy written in.. 😛

  19. gojira007

    …OK, people DO remember Knuckles was revealed way back at the end of issue #2, right?


  20. Star

    @gojira oh let the people have there fun XD they know it’s knuckles….i hope o.O

  21. Ginji

    It could be a different Echidna. Maybe each Emerald has its own Guardian?

  22. VladYvhv

    So, the Breath of Mobius is powered by a pinwheel?

    Also, “Yankee” refers to the northerners. Calling anyone who isn’t from the northern US a Yankee is generally seen as a serious insult. And depending just who you call one, it may get you shot at.

  23. Elisto Dragonwings

    Calling “northerners” a “Yankee” can be an insult too since it’s not like we call ourselves that. I don’t have a problem with the origin of the word and I don’t care when it comes from non-Americans, but I find it insulting that fellow Americans don’t know each other’s regional identities.

  24. Captain Sorzo

    I’ve lived in Texas my entire life and don’t consider the term insulting in the slightest. If anything, I found Paul’s use of it somewhat amusing, which was likely the intention.

  25. Rapid

    Can’t wait for the next

  26. saber

    Dec 2nd’s page has been ready to go for awhile today. Don’t know what chief is up to.

  27. Windowdaze

    Insert Metal Gear Solid sfx!

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