Chapter 004 – Page 009

Okay so another Friday afternoon update.  This one is fully my fault, I was at work by 3am this morning and never got a chance to jump on a computer and upload this.  For that matter I also forgot it was Friday and that I even had a comic to upload.  Ooops.



Anything else?  Nope.



Discussion (16) ¬

  1. luiginotafraid

    Wow Knuckles looks very sinister in these pannels nice!

  2. Star

    o.O ….. ok knuckles who pissed you off? great page guys……this should be fun keep going! 😀

  3. Hello99129

    Good Comics guys keep it up BTW LOVE the expressions

  4. LaserX5


    Gotta love Sonic’s, “So?” response.

    Yea, that’s Sonic for ya. XD

  5. whispies

    Great take on Knuckles guys, this is very unique writing and a pretty class story, LOVING IT! Carry on being brave with the story!

  6. Scripten

    I think this is the best incarnation of Knuckles I have seen. I really like that he’s being portrayed as intelligent and independent, rather than a gruff, gullible moron such that SEGA seems to enjoy.

  7. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    I wonder if all this places contain a Chaos Emerald each.

  8. Arn

    He may flip out when told how much crystal they shattered in Robotnics mine……

  9. Flyboy1945

    Can’t get any more Sonic than his answer in the last pannel “So?” I could definately imagine Jaleel White voiceing that.

  10. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    I’m not the only one who imagines the characters speaking in their voices 🙂

    although I imagine the dubbed versions

  11. Elisto Dragonwings

    For some reason, I keep reading Knuckles’s lines with the voice of Zelgadis from Slayers….

  12. VladYvhv

    And so another epic journey begins… It’ll certainly be fun to see where it goes.

  13. Gurrenmon

    I have a feeling that sonic and knuckles are gonna start arguing with each other.

  14. sea3on fan

    Don’t know why but this cracked me up.

  15. John

    @ Elisto

    Dammit, now I am, too.

  16. Elisto Dragonwings

    Haha, that voice just fits too well…

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