Chapter 004 – Page 010

Translating leads to translation! Next week? No.





Discussion (15) ¬

  1. Kage Kitsune

    Sonic: “We’ve been busting our butts trying to save the Planet!!”

    Guardian: “Your motives are irrelevant. You will be assimilated; Resistance is futile.”

    (Runs off being weird) XD

  2. Redauthar

    Ha Ha. Sonic’s facial expressions are just awesome this issue.

  3. Captain Sorzo

    I love the contrast between Sonic and Knuckles. It’s refreshing to see the latter portrayed as competent and level-headed for a change. The zoom in on his hand in the first panel is a great touch: just enough is visible for it to be threatening while remaining subtle.

  4. LaserX5

    You know, this version of Knuckles is kinda interesting to say the least.

    He seems more mysterious and subtle compared to his other portrayals.

    I wonder if this version of him is a guardian on Angel Island too.

  5. dragon

    Sonic and Knux are gonna start throwin’ fists in a minute… Love Sonic and Tails’ expressions on the lower-left panel!

    But what’s with the big empty space on the top and bottom? “This space for rent”?

  6. dragon

    …Wait. I hope Sally didn’t hear what Tails said in that last panel… If she did, Sonic’s going to be in BIG trouble…

  7. Elisto Dragonwings

    Yeah, I’m really liking this portrayal of Knuckles a lot.

  8. Star

    knuckels! pull down your sleves we can see your gloves! XD oh i can’t wait to see what the symbols mean….this should be fun 🙂

  9. LegacyElite84

    All of Sonic’s facial expressions are just awesome, but just what is Awesome Face up to?

  10. Flyboy 1945

    Sonic’s expression in Panel 5 = Priceless.

  11. Asher Tye

    Of course when Knuckles realizes Nicole can translate forbidden knowledge, he might not be so inclined to let them keep her.

  12. sea3on fan

    i love the way tails looks in the bottom left pannel


    What’s up with all the late uploads of the new page Paul? I’m waaaaiting

  14. Gurrenmon

    another awesome page, can’t wait for the next.

  15. Quickster

    Please Chief. You gotta turn Sonic’s face in panel 4 into a troll face. XD

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