Chapter 004 – Page 011

Okay so we are late.  Steven had final exams all week so the comic was started later in the week then normal.  Also on a side note we are taking a 2 week Christmas break again this year.  We might put some stuff up on Christmas but it won’t be the comic.  Christmas breaks are always good and Steven needs a vacation..He has been going a bit crazy the past few weeks.


Anyways, Merry Christmas guys,








Steven – I’m sorry. So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so sorry.

Discussion (26) ¬

  1. Yesterday Mail

    Apology accepted. Crazy.

    Awaiting next page with open minds and crossed fingers…

  2. Flyboy1945

    Just Joshin, I’m sure it’s either Snively or Naugus.
    Have a great Break Sea3on crew! Get some much needed R&R.

  3. LaserX5

    How much you want to bet it’s Snively, Naugus or both that made the explosion?

  4. Mermaid Ninja

    Nicole’s out cold!

  5. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    To me, it looks like NICOLE has been hacked and used as a locator, hence the weird thing “she” says.

    Anyway, Merry Christmas and congrats. for the redesign!

  6. Elisto Dragonwings

    Either that or Nicole has some connection to what’s written on the walls and that activated something.
    So, does this two week break start now or do we get one more comic before Christmas?

  7. c.w.

    so we have to wait 2 whole weeks to find out who caused that explosion.

    I’m betting it’s the Nerbs.

  8. Star

    Hey better late then never, and i think we can handel the extra wait to see who broke the hole and made ant jump ^_^ great page guys keep it up….and knuckles, keep your temper 😛

  9. Paul

    2 week break starts now. Next comic will be out Jan 6th 2012.

    On another note check out the new design for the site. The forums still need to be re skinned and the Sea3on page will be changed over soon too. New layout, better archive system and so on.

  10. Moon Princess

    Huzzah! It has arrived! I love it! I shall wait in anticipation for the next piece. 😀
    Anyway, it looks amazing, as always.

  11. James

    Take your much deserved break, to crank out art on this level every week can be taxing to say the least, have an awesome Christmas Sea3on crew!

  12. VladYvhv

    Pay attention to the crazy guys talking about “Them”. Because one of these days “They” are going to show up and the ****’s goinna hit the fan…

    Love the expressions. And the implication that Ant’s getting blown up.

  13. Werekitty119

    “You’ve led them straight to it!”
    “I did.”
    “…you lie.”

    That is my theory.

    But I have to wait until January? NOOOOOOOOOO…….


  14. Superintendent

    Finally found out about this site and comic. Can’t wait for the next page, loving the story for season 3. The quality and detail are similar to Leviathan’s work. I think you fellas would get along with him well. 110% for keeping the story alive and fantastic.

    I have a question, are we going to see more new freedom fighters or see more of the characters who haven’t reappeared in the comic yet?

  15. Black Fox

    Omg I just found out about this site a few days ago and am now caught up. :3
    Happy holidays and can’t wait to find out who the intruder is~. x3

  16. Speedy

    Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year!

  17. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Yeah, Merry Christmas and have a way past cool 2012!

  18. Gurrenmon

    Uh-oh, i wonder who “they” are?

  19. c.w.

    The Nerbs

  20. juggalo4lyfe

    hey guys sonicblur13 here and im back also i changed my name how do you like it

  21. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Well, happy new year everybody!
    Some of you may be in 2012, some not. It’s about 8:07 in GMT+1, so new year is really close 🙂

  22. Star

    It just hit 2012 on my end….Happy new years to everyone who works and reads Sea3on!!! this just means another year with a awesome comic!!! XD and no i’m not drunk off soda *hic* ….ok maybe just a little, that orange soda gets to me when combined with skittles 😛

  23. Paul

    Just turned 2012 on my end too..Meaning I know what time zone yo live in! Haw!

  24. juggalo4lyfe

    happy new year

  25. Star

    just because you know what time zone i live in dosen’t tell you much paul! 😛

  26. Koachy

    Wow just watched the complete series today for old times sake then stumbled on your site and read all of the sea3on chapters and pages. Just fantastic, I believe Ben Hurst would’ve loved this. I wish the cartoon was still running. It was a large part of my childhood along with archies sonic comic.

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