Chapter 004 – Page 012

2 week vacation and 1 day late.  Sorry about that.  Things happened, sickness went around, artist started really late due to sickness (that time of year around these parts).

Hopefully we will be on time next Friday.






Its good to be back.

Discussion (10) ¬

  1. SpringGadget

    Oh. Cool. An update. 😀

  2. Star

    knuckles….Just take the crystal with you! XD it is mobal…isn’t it? i could of sworn i saw it look pretty small, they should be able to carry it. Great comic page guys! and it’s better late then never 😀

  3. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Oh great. “Threeson” continues!!!!

    And maybe the Wind Crystal can’t be taken away from there.

  4. Amanda

    My years of reading manga make me want to read everything right to left. lol

    I’m thinking if the wind crystal is moved the island falls? 😛

  5. Gurrenmon

    Hooray Naugus and snivley came to crash the party!

  6. Yesterday Mail

    Knuckles is a very paranoid man.

  7. Flyboy1945

    Nice knockoff of a Mech Snively, lemme show you a real weapon.
    *Reveals GDI Titan*

    On Topic: Hope the Sea3on crew had a great vacation. So much for my Spanish Inquisition theory.

  8. Rapid

    Great going knucklehead

  9. LaserX5

    Interesting looking robot Snivley’s piloting.

    This is getting more epic by the second.

  10. RedPanda234

    Good to know you’re ok 🙂

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