Chapter 4 Page 13

So Steven tells me he was trying to do a page without using the tablet for anything.  He also tells me it won’t happen again.

However we do get to see Bunnie get into her awesome fighting mood.  Yaaayyyy


Now onto a few other things.  Being the nice guy I am I will show you a 4 to be exact of the short that was suppose to be between Ch.3 and Ch.4.  Sadly we didn’t have a short there due to circumstances.

You might ask why I am showing you page 4 randomly..Well, its to promote a new artist we got for a up coming short, and perhaps more work on top of that.   Her name is Ann Chovi, and you can find her dev art page here:   Pretty good huh?

Now, the page I am going to tease you with is not the short Ann will be doing for Sea3on.  I gave her the script for the un aired short for some practice, she is slowly doing all the pages in it, however do to me just canning that short all together..You will never see the full thing.  Aren’t I just nice?

Anyways here is the teaser to show you Ann’s work and a page of a chapter you will never see the rest of.



Also remember that FUS is a free website.  In order to pick up more projects now and then, such as Sea3on we do need a helping hand now and then.  You know to feed the staff that I keep giving IOU notes too.  We have a paypal donation you can find on the main site .  Its something we decided to add in during our site upgrades as we hope to continue to expand into new areas.


Cheers guys,





Give a hand to Steven guys.  He battles it out each week to give you guys something good.  Also while you are at it give a hand out to our brilliant writer Gojira.  The man who has watched SatAM hundreds of times, researched the games, comics, and in all has lost whatever life he had for writing this.

Discussion (21) ¬

  1. Star

    *clapping* thank you ALL of the staff for keeping this comic going! i still remember tearing through the frist chapter and short and then getting as impatent as sonic just to read the next page when i caught up to you guys! XD keep going you guys are doing great! and i’d help out if i could :/ but i flat broke DX i sorrie…one of these days i’m going to donate to you guys!

  2. LaserX5


    Bunnie using her metal fist to beat up on Naugus.

    Nice touch indeed.

  3. Moon Princess

    A) Awesome work, as usual. 🙂
    B) Welcome Miss Chovi
    C) Damn. I wanted to see the rest of that short. -.- Pg. 4 looks absolutely stunning.
    D) Ditto on the broke thing. 🙁

  4. Amanda

    If I win the lottery I will pay all of your bills. <3

  5. Elisto Dragonwings

    Yay! Ann Chovi! I’ve always liked your work! Too bad that short won’t be finished…

    (And yay, Bunnie being awesome!)

  6. RedAuthar


  7. RedAuthar

    What we don’t get to see the rest? NOT SWEET!

  8. c.w.

    aaaawww we won’t get to see the rest of that awesome looking short?

  9. Vlad Yvhv

    Nice work. And may Ann have much luck with her additions to the comic.

  10. CaptainSorzo

    Wasn’t Salamander working on a short?

    This is the first time I’ve heard of Sami Hale, but the preview and a look at her DA portfolio left me quite impressed. Who wrote the short she’s working on?

    Saber, while I ultimately prefer your tablet-based work, this page does have a sort of rough charm about it. It looks great, regardless. Hope you’re feeling better.

    Paul, any chance you’ll at least post the script for the canned short? Congratulations on the new homepage, by the way.

    I read Gojira’s “Worth Fighting For” story the other day and it only cemented my sincere belief that he’s the best writer Sonic has ever had, across any continuity. He clearly understands each character inside and out, but in many cases adds a layer of emotional depth and complexity that feels very human. Sonic and Sally in particular simply shine under his pen.

  11. Paul

    Salamander is also working on a short. If all goes well I’m going to pump out both Sal’s short and Ann’s short back to back over a period of 4 weeks. Do a update each weekday.
    As for who is writing Ann’s short..That would be Gojira.
    Releasing the script to the canned short? Nah, no can do. I still may use it for something one day. Or just hang onto it for ideas or…Just let it collect dust on my computer. Who knows.. Its still a full script and holds ideas and so on in it. Just because its public debut got cancelled doesn’t necessarily mean it is useless to us.

  12. Elisto Dragonwings

    “…my sincere belief that he’s the best writer Sonic has ever had, across any continuity.”

    I have to agree…I don’t normally even like fanfiction, but but between Sea3on and your personal Sonic (and MLP) stories on dA, Gojira, I think I enjoy everything you’ve written!

  13. gojira007

    @ CaptainSorzo, Elisto Dragonwings: Thank you both for your kind words. I’m glad to know you’re enjoying our work so much. ^_^

  14. Gurrenmon

    Hooray Bunnie is kicking Nagus’ butt!

  15. sean

    is that knukels thats that gardian

  16. metalsonic

    is the gardian knukels

  17. sean

    is that gardian knukels please write back

  18. gojira007
  19. Redauthar

    The inside of your computer collects dust?

  20. Werekitty119

    Snively flipping out having nightmares? MUST. SEE. NOW.

  21. Quickster

    A Christmas Carol with Snively! Muuuuust seeeee…

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