Chapter 4 page 15

Hey guys, Saber here. Another Friday gone, and another page late. So, what can I say? Sorry’s getting old… but I really do appologize. I just need to set up a schedule, lock a time frame down. Chief has been real good about it, but something needs to be done about these late pages… until then, here’s the page!

Oh boy, things did not go my way with this one. The sketch came out alright, but the inking is still in the early stages. Then I found out I was using the wrong paper (it was type of construction paper and not the bristol board I love so much), I had to cut the paper down to fit it in my scanner, the scanner was cutting off the edges of the paper… Oh, and as I starting to color, I looked at a note Gorjira sent me… I got Bunnie’s expression all wrong in fourth panel. I don’t know what I was thinking, but originally she was smiling at Sally, and thanking her… But thankfully I saw Gorjira’s note and fixed it.

Oh, and I was so sick of that orange glow, so it is now vanished.


Talk to you guys later. Need sleep.

Discussion (10) ¬

  1. Rain Murphy

    Once again awesome comic.

  2. Aurora Redwinters

    All I see is a giant X.

  3. LaserX5


    Love Bunnie’s frown and little comment towards Knuckles. XD

    Wow, he sure is a strange one in this series.

  4. Star

    Better late then never Saber don’t beat yourself up about it, great page…but is that suposed to be a chaos emerald knuckles is holding? or just a powerful gem?

  5. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    I imagine we’ll have to find out as the comic progresses.

  6. Captain Sorzo

    Saber, you consistently put out a page of great artwork on your own time every week. There’s nothing to apologize for.

    As for this week’s page, the last panel looks particularly good. Very vibrant coloring. The orange glow was a nice effect, but I can’t say I’ll miss it.

  7. VladYvhv

    Nice work. But it is a bit mysterious as to just what is going on with bunny there at the first part. Why exactly is she being tossed backward? Did Naugus do something? Or was our robed friend just tossing her backward to get her away from the fight she was in before? Or what?

  8. Captain Sorzo

    It looks like Naugus used telekinesis on Bunnie. Note the red glow around her.

  9. Deth

    Need…MOOOAAAAAR!!! Great site! can’t believe i did not know about it till now!! Had to read everything before i went to bed :3

  10. Gurrenmon

    And of course Sonic has to save Ant’s butt yet again.

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