Chapter 4 Page 16   (V1.0)

Just how does Sonic ‘tow’ that many people?






EDIT: ย  I made this post in the comment but I’m putting it in here as well. ย Thanks for your support,


Well originally this was all done on Tablet.. However recently Steven has been trying to pencil and ink on paper, then scan it into the computer to finish the colouring there. The point of this is to try and get him fully use to inking free hand for future projects.

This current page was a bit of a mess up on my behalf and his. We were trying to find a way to allow him to draw on larger paper..Each panel you see here was drawn and inked on its one sheet of paper, then scanned in and re arranged. Thats why you end up with Tails looking like he has 3 tails and so on. The time frame for the deadline was coming up fast and Steven pulled a all night session to get it done. Due to lack of sleep and what not a lot of mistakes weren’t caught. That and it was his first time trying to do each panel on its own paper.
Although a lot of you guys say the deadline isn’t important, it is rather important to us. Not just for the sake of being on time for you lot, but for our self’s as well. The idea in this process is to get Steven use and able to push out more then this on a weekly scale. Again, other projects that are under discussion, as well as his school is starting to cut in a bit. This week he actually has to complete a 10 page comic for a class.

Saying all of this we talked last night and did some research, as well as chatted with our old artist Salamander on certain ways to do the inking by hand and how to get around that paper bit. Basically we need a bigger more powerful scanner to do the job properly. Now scanners aren’t stupidly pricey..One for the size we need only runs around 250 or so. That would Save Steven from doing each panel on its own paper and would still allow him to add the detail in that is needed.

However 250 is also still pricey for something that gets us no money. Its also pricey for a guy who goes full time to school (aka Steven). So if you wish to send us a little bit of cash it would go to a good place.

Now in saying that we are also moving the schedule to Mondays. Giving us the full weekend to flush things out should help with the comic.

Discussion (14) ¬

  1. Skotty

    Sonic and Tails have new, modern looking shoes now? Well, why not.

    Great page, I like how you drew the panel where Sonic says “Right!”.

    Just another thing: We all know that you are really working hard on this Comic and we all know that you of course have a lot to do in real life. I suggest the (V1.0) means this page is not done (because of the backgrounds). I personal have absolut understanding that you want to bring that page out right in time, but it may be better to finish it before, even if this means a delay. This is fanmade, no commercial comic and keep that in mind. You work just voluntary on it, and we all have that in our minds. So do it right instead keeping a deadline ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Amanda

    Love this page!!! Everyone is drawn so nicely. I can really see a lot of improvement! ๐Ÿ™‚

    But what I want to know is, how is Sally not getting poked by Sonic’s quills? Aren’t hedgehog quills supposed to be sharp? lol

  3. Amanda

    Just kidding, by the way. ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. dragon

    Why does Tails have 3 tails in that second panel?

  5. saber

    Skotty – Thanks for that, but a deadlines still a deadline. I just need to get this stuff done sooner so things like this don’t happen.

    Dragon – Ahhh… It does look like it… Really, its two. One tail is bending and I accidenty cropped some of the image out…

  6. LaserX5


    Antoine as Sonic’s flattening ham… XD

    Did Gojira007 put that line in?


  7. gojira007

    @Laser: Yep; Ant’s butchered English is a lot of fun to play with sometimes. X3

  8. Artherax

    how do you make the comic?

  9. Paul

    Well originally this was all done on Tablet.. However recently Steven has been trying to pencil and ink on paper, then scan it into the computer to finish the colouring there. The point of this is to try and get him fully use to inking free hand for future projects.

    This current page was a bit of a mess up on my behalf and his. We were trying to find a way to allow him to draw on larger paper..Each panel you see here was drawn and inked on its one sheet of paper, then scanned in and re arranged. Thats why you end up with Tails looking like he has 3 tails and so on. The time frame for the deadline was coming up fast and Steven pulled a all night session to get it done. Due to lack of sleep and what not a lot of mistakes weren’t caught. That and it was his first time trying to do each panel on its own paper.

    Although a lot of you guys say the deadline isn’t important, it is rather important to us. Not just for the sake of being on time for you lot, but for our self’s as well. The idea in this process is to get Steven use and able to push out more then this on a weekly scale. Again, other projects that are under discussion, as well as his school is starting to cut in a bit. This week he actually has to complete a 10 page comic for a class.

    Saying all of this we talked last night and did some research, as well as chatted with our old artist Salamander on certain ways to do the inking by hand and how to get around that paper bit. Basically we need a bigger more powerful scanner to do the job properly. Now scanners aren’t stupidly pricey..One for the size we need only runs around 250 or so. That would Save Steven from doing each panel on its own paper and would still allow him to add the detail in that is needed.

    However 250 is also still pricey for something that gets us no money. Its also pricey for a guy who goes full time to school (aka Steven). So if you wish to send us a little bit of cash it would go to a goo place.

    Now in saying that we are also moving the schedule to Mondays. Giving us the full weekend to flush things out should help with the comic.

  10. Skotty

    I really respect you guys. I know it for myself how hard it sometimes can be to keep a deadline and what mistaktes come in if you have no time to finish the work until then.
    Moving the comic to Monday is a wise decision.

    Keep working on it the way you do it. If you would sell this comic, I would buy it.

  11. Paul

    That’s kinda what our idea is in the future. We can’t sell this comic due to obvious legal concerns. However other projects that we have set out to do we can make money from. The goal is to make money from other projects to help support the ones we do here on FUS, like Sea3on.

  12. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    I really hope you can make the money.
    As an underage without any ways to pay online (and with little to no money right now) I can’t do anything but wish you luck and keep coming in here every Monday.

    btw, couldn’t you add some ads in the website? Not pop-ups and things, but banners and such. Maybe you could get some cash that way.

  13. Paul

    I’m only running 2 ads on the site from Project Wonderful. They really don’t bring in much other then money to re advertise Sea3on with.

    I use to be signed up to google ads but they dropped me just before the first pay day for suspicious activity. I was confused at first about it, even sent in a appeal and asked what sorta suspicious activity they were talking about. They just replied with “we will not re open your account”. After that I did some searching and found out that they have actually dropped hundreds if not thousands of accounts for no reason as well.

    Ive looked over a few other add companies as well and really the good ones require so many unique visitors a month. Generally around 100 thousand unique IP’s each month. FUS doesn’t quite get that much (So refer the site to all your friends!)

    So basically I have a PW account for the ads as that’s really the best thing there is besides google. That and donations and our own money is what pays for everything on the site. Because we do projects like Sea3on, that game we are working on, and some other up coming ones the money doesn’t just go towards our server costs. I have a staff that does a lot of work, and we do need to buy some equipment now and then as well. Example being the scanner we hope to get.

  14. Gurrenmon

    Man I’m loving this artwork and the comic.

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