Chapter 4 Page 17

Okay so we are back to a Monday schedule…. Why? Because it works better for us.   With the weekend and so on set up it allows Steven to have more free time on the comic.  Granted he always had a weekend..Just having the weekend at the end seemed easier then having it at the start.

Onto other matters I must thank those who have put money towards FUS in the past few weeks.  With projects such as the new scanner needed, among other things that money shall go to good use.  We can’t survive without you, the fans, to keep us going.  Be it through moral support you supply us with constantly, or spreading the website to your friends and family, or through money.  Its all much appreciated.   So thank you.




Discussion (13) ¬

  1. LaserX5


    So Naugus has a keen Crystal radar built within, eh?

    That ought to make things interesting.

    Do I dare say, this may help him find Knothole?

    Just a thought…

  2. AydinPrower7

    Uh-oh, looks like knuckles’ hood came off…

  3. dmoney

    LOL at Knux!!

  4. Bakuda

    Your expressions are top notch as usual…especially Sonic and Knuckles! Great job!

  5. Captain Sorzo

    If this is any indication, moving updates to Mondays was a great decision. This is the best looking page of the year so far.

  6. AydinPrower7

    Question: was Snivleys suit originally made for Robotnik?

  7. Gurrenmon

    LOL Naugus’ troll face!

  8. RedMenace

    @AydinPrower7 I think that Snively is remotely controlling that bot and that the visor is actually a monitor.

  9. Gojira007

    @RedMenace, AydinPrower7: RedMenace is correct, the robot is remote-controlled.

  10. Amanda

    This page is amazing. <3

  11. DaddlerTheDalek

    Knux! XD

  12. Flyboy1945

    Hey look! It’s Knuckles!

  13. VladYvhv

    Ant: I’m goinna die!
    Knuckles: Remind me never to do this again.

Comment ¬

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