Chapter 4 Page 18

Sometimes you just need to feel sorry for Antoine.. Well… At least once in a while.  Right?..


I keep thinking that there is something I am suppose to tell you guys…But I keep forgetting what that is..Meh




Thanks for joining us,



Discussion (16) ¬

  1. Amanda

    Oh yes, epic.

    Epic battle time w00t!

  2. dragon

    LOVE Knuckles expression in that first panel! ^_^

  3. xaver

    I don’t know, I feel pretty bad for Antoine right about now…

  4. Vlad Yvhv

    Hea hea hea… Using Ant’s own words as reason to stand and fight… Gotta enjoy the irony of that.

  5. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Ha! With this hood, nobody will ever recognize me… oh, crap.

  6. AydinPrower7

    Knuckles looks like he shat himself. ^_^

  7. Skotty

    Great site. Since the move to Mondays the quality increased a lot.

    Just a request: Will there be a final version for Page 16? Would be a shame to keep that in the current unfinished version.

  8. saber

    “Knuckles looks like he shat himself. ^_^”

    Well MAYBE he did! Hmph!


    Since the move to Mondays the quality increased a lot.

    Ah yeah, it’s been real helpful.

    “Just a request: Will there be a final version for Page 16? Would be a shame to keep that in the current unfinished version.”

    You know… that’s an interesting idea. See, I’ve been busy focusing on the comics ahead, and haven’t had time to worry about what needs to be fix.

    Though, if I get some free time, I wouldn’t mind fixing it up. We’ll see.

  9. Deth

    Oh…my…GOSH ANT’S FACE IS HILARIOUS!! Made me fall over >.< He is completely panicked…i have a feeling hes gonna do something wrong…

  10. Flyboy1945

    Knuckles face in the first pannel, I get the feeling some people will use that as their avatar pic.

    That or Antoine’s face in the last pannel.

  11. Gurrenmon

    Aw man this page is hilarious! XD

  12. LaserX5

    Oh yea!

    I so love Bunnie’s facial expression on the last panel.

    It’s battle time. XD

  13. Shadow

    Bunnie being sexy as usual

  14. Elisto Dragonwings

    Saber, I’m getting the impression you really like drawing Bunnie

  15. saber

    “Saber, I’m getting the impression you really like drawing Bunnie”

    Yeah, she’s a fun character… though, I don’t care for how she came out here in the last panel. The back is to detailed in contrast to her real cartoonish face.

    DAH WELL 😛
    Busy with the next page. Busy busy busy.

  16. DaddlerTheDalek

    Bunnie looks Awesome here!

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