Comic project 007



So there you guys have it, the basic outline of my project. Again, it’s still in the rough stages (I’ve been busy cleaning and coloring in the meantime), but it was at least something to give you guys for the absence of last weeks comic. Tomorrow we continue the story, and Paul will be taking over these word box thingies again. Hope you guys liked it.


Discussion (5) ¬

  1. dirupti

    We’d better get to see the colored versions! I really liked this.

  2. Arn

    Just a great big overlander.

  3. Amanda


    He had a pussy in his pants *awesome face*

  4. saber

    Actually, his pussy was in a fanny pack :I
    Should have clarified it better.

  5. VladYvhv

    And now we know what Jason Voorhees is up to when he’s not killing teenagers.

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