chapter 4 page 33

Knuckles is not amused.



Discussion (10) ¬

  1. kriss1989

    Well it seems the fate of the world may hinge on Antoine’s decision….so yeah we’re in trouble unless he grows a pair.

  2. dmoney

    LOL well said Kriss1989

  3. Tammy SATam

    This is probably one of the few times where Antoine has to either make it or break it. Everything depends on what Ant chooses.
    It’s a little scary if you think about it but makes you want to know what happens next all the more.
    He’d also be a little bit divided the Princess or the person who entrusted it to him? We’ll see next chapter what he chose but I am seriously excited about it.

  4. Yesterday Mail


    Headbutt him.

  5. SmileyFace

    woah, Kunckles glare reminds of that moment from Sonic issue 237 or something ,where Sally is saying “the peace between the wolf pack nation and pais misterioso is tenuous and maintained only by their matriarchs. remove the leaders, leave room for suspiscion and the two groups will turn on each other.” that nightmare fuel.

  6. LaserX5

    Boy, Knuckles really wants thats stone.

    Eh, can’t say I blame him though.

    Still, why is Antoine the one holding it now? Shouldn’t someone like Sonic or Sally be doing that since they’re the leaders?

  7. gojira007

    @LaserX5: Knuckles had the stone and gave it to Antoine to keep it safe while he fought off Naugus:

  8. kriss1989

    So to sum it up, these are the choices Antoine faces and the immediate consequences.

    1: He can give it to Sally whom he loves, winning some favor and helping his people. However in doing so he will betray Knuckles trust and cost his side a valuable ally, and maybe even make him an outright enemy.

    2: He can do the honorable thing and return the gem to Knuckles, giving it back to the person who entrusted him to guard it. It would secure Knuckles as an ally, a good counter to Negus, but would probably upset Sally and would infuriate Sonic, causing trouble for him back home.

    2 would be the better outcome in the long run, assuming Sonic doesn’t object…with force. That would just make things worse.

  9. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    Either way, Antoine’s gonna mess it up. I think he’ll give it to Knuckles, but I’m afraid Sonic won’t like it.

    Or maybe they form a temporary alliance. Knuckles stays with the FF in order to protect the Emerald while they try to use their power.

  10. House42

    Panel 1-Knux is vampire?

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