The Mechanics Puzzle – 06



(Yes I am a jerk)

– Paul

Discussion (5) ¬

  1. Amanda

    The “aha” moment. ooooo

  2. c.w.

    ♪It’s Friday! And after that
    comes Saturday ♪
    ♪and then Sunday♪
    haha I’d never even heard that song before now.
    *thrown off cliff*
    Well, this is shaping up to be an interesting short, but what does Rotor intend to do with the Swatbot anyway?

  3. VladYvhv

    @c.w.: Maybe he was planning on seeing what information he could get out of it?

  4. Jay

    I am going to assume the swatbot is dying to attack rotor.
    But he has no LEGS

  5. Quickster

    Rotor, what have you done?!

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