Chapter 5 page 10

See you guys next week.


Discussion (15) ¬

  1. Skotty

    It seems like the War goes into the interesting phase.

  2. Righteous Fury

    And now we see Antoine’s father as well…and he’s a lot more competent a soldier than his son will be.

  3. c.w.

    I like the fact that you guys are making the main casts parents original characters rather than just copying them off of archie, it’s more creative. You’ve even improved on the designs of many of them, like Sally’s mother. Her design is truly great and you’ve made her an interesting character, which I unfortunately can’t say about the parents introduced in the early days of the comic.

    I can’t wait to see how this version of the Great War unfolds.

  4. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    I really like how this story is evolving, it’s becoming a lot more complex than I thought it’d be.
    I can’t wait to see what the War Claws are.

    Btw, are you guys sure Belpois is related to Antoine? He could just be a “French” soldier from a certain tribe Antoine’s family also belongs to.

    I mean, “Belpois” is a surname, and, as far as I remember, neither of the two surnames that have been given to Antoine is Belpois…

  5. Amanda

    Very nice. 🙂

  6. LegacyElite84

    Que backstory.

  7. Ultimate Hammer Bro

    “Que” backstory?

    Now that’s some nice spanglish XD

  8. LegacyElite84

    Wait, I meant queue… My bad.

  9. Gojira007

    LegacyElite84: I believe the word you’re looking for is “cue”. ^_^

  10. Asher Tye

    Woah, that’s Ant’s father? No wonder Bunnie thinks Ant himself is cute, she’s seen the previews of what he’ll become.

  11. dragon

    I’m with Hammer Bro on this. I don’t think that’s Ant’s dad just yet…

  12. Dennis48

    Wow. An actual skilled French soldier in Sonic SatAM. Mind = blown.
    So long for the “crepe-suzette” eating monkeys ! 😀

  13. Tammy SatAM

    Now things are spicing up, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I’m also really enjoying the alternate character designs that you guys have come up with.

    We have no proof that’s Antoine’s father just yet, that could still be another character from the same area you know.

  14. Uncle Ben

    could be Ant’s Uncle

  15. c.w.

    or his mom’s cousin’s uncle’s dad’s cat’s grampa’s mother’s daughter’s Aunt’s mother-in-law’s half-sister’s 4th cousin twice removed.

    Or, you know, it could just be his dad.

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